Thanks for taking time to look at our website – whether you’re looking for accommodation (for yourself or someone else), exploring how you could support our project or simply just curious it’s great you’re here – have a look around and contact us if you have any questions.
From hardship to hope…
Homelessness doesn’t discriminate; it doesn’t take much to find yourself on the streets – a wrong decision, the loss of a job, an unaddressed debt, a breakdown in a relationship, a health issue, a brush with the law, a struggle with addiction – Any one of these would be difficult enough, but when two or three combine things can become very difficult very quickly. At the heart of Hope House is the strong belief that no-one should face these things alone …
We believe…
We believe EVERY person deserves hope today and a clear path towards a brighter tomorrow
We believe NO-ONE is a ‘problem’ and EVERYONE can realise their full God-given potential and change the world for good
We believe LIVES are best put together and lived out in a supportive community where everyone is valued and acceptedWe
We believe LOCAL people can make a difference as they work together for those in their local community
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Cooking and Baking
Eating Together
Involved with Community Day